Cloudy egg white is good!
Fun Fact! If a raw egg white is cloudy, that could mean the egg is fresh. Raw white becomes cloudy due to carbon dioxide that hasn’t yet escaped through the egg shell. As an egg ages and more carbon dioxide escapes, its egg white becomes clearer.
Chamomile history
Fun Fact! Chamomile was used as traditional medicine in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome.
Echinacea species
Fun fact! There are nine known species of echinacea. All species are native to North America.
Egg timer
Fun Fact! An egg takes about 26 hours to form fully in a hen.
Spin the egg
Fun fact! Why should you spin an egg to tell whether it is raw or hardboiled? Hardboiled eggs will spin smoothly whereas the liquid in a raw egg makes the raw egg wobble.
Valerian history
Fun fact! Valerian’s medicinal use dates back to early Greece and Rome to treat conditions such as nervousness, trembling, headaches, and heart palpitations.
White or brown eggs?
Fun Fact! No matter their shell color, all eggs are generally similar in terms of nutrient status, unless a hen has been fed higher amounts of a certain nutrient via fortified feed.
U.S. apple exports
Fun Fact! One out of every four apples grown in the U.S. is exported to countries such as Mexico, Canada, India, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Thailand.
Strawberries, from flower to fruit
Fun Fact! Strawberry plants produce strawberry flowers, which turn into strawberry fruit. The flowers can otherwise also be used as garnish or made into tea.
What’s with the pleats?
Fun Fact! A chef’s white hat is called a toque blanche. Historically, the number of pleats in the hat symbolized the number of recipes a chef had mastered.
Yolk color
Fun Fact! The color of a yolk is influenced by a hen’s diet. Marigold petals are often fed to hens to brighten yolk color.
Strawberry season
Fun Fact! While California, the top U.S. strawberry producer, can grow strawberries year round due to temperate climate, the strawberry-growing seasons in other states are usually restricted to five months to as little as three weeks.
Cinnamon tree
Fun Fact! Cinnamon comes from the bark of the cinnamon tree.
Egg nutrients
Fun Fact! An egg’s richest source of nutrients is in the yolk, including vitamins A, D, and E; antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin; and unsaturated fat.
Oldest living tree
Fun Fact! The ginkgo tree is one of the oldest living tree species in the world.
How many squirts?
Fun Fact! A gallon of milk equals approximately 350 “squirts” of milk from a dairy cow’s udders.
Easier to peel
Fun Fact! Older eggs are easier to peel than fresh eggs because older eggs have larger air cells (the space between the egg and the shell).
China’s apple production
Fun Fact! China is the world’s largest producer of apples, followed by the U.S.
History of cheese making
Fun Fact! The practice of cheese making is thought to date back more than 4,000 years.
Egg yolk protein
Fun Fact! Nearly half of an egg’s protein content is contained in the yolk.
How many eggs per chicken?
Fun fact! There are approximately 280 million egg-laying chickens in the U.S. Each chicken produces between 250 and 300 eggs per year.
Cinnamon types
Fun Fact! Cinnamon comes in many varieties, including Cassia cinnamon (native to China and most commonly sold in the U.S.) and Ceylon cinnamon (native to Sri Lanka).
Who is Johnny Appleseed?
Fun Fact! American pioneer and nurseryman John Chapman, also known as “Johnny Appleseed,” born in 1774, is credited with introducing apples to America’s Midwest.
Chamomile types
Fun Fact! There are two types of chamomile, German and Roman.
Ginkgo’s history in China
Fun Fact! Ginkgo has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine. In early times, Chinese royalty were given ginkgo nuts for senility.
Largest chicken egg
Fun Fact! The world’s largest chicken egg was recorded in 2010 as measuring 9.1 inches in diameter. It was laid by a brave hen in the UK named Harriet.
Apples through the ages
Fun Fact! Apples are thought to have been eaten by humans for at least 750,000 years.
Who makes the most strawberries in the U.S.?
Fun Fact! Who makes the most strawberries in the U.S.? That would be California and Florida, the top two strawberry-producing states.
Industrial hemp yield
Fun Fact! One acre of hemp can yield an average of 700 pounds of grain, which can be pressed into 22 gallons of oil and 530 pounds of meal. The same acreage will also produce an average of 5,300 pounds of straw that can be transformed into approximately 1,300 pounds of fiber.
Bees work hard
Fun Fact! This is what is required to produce 1 kg of honey: one million flowers and 50,000 bee flights, with 40 mg of nectar collected during each flight (2 g nectar=1 g honey). Each beehive can produce about 20 kg of honey each year.