January 28th 2025
The FDA-recognized fiber ingredient received certification as low FODMAP, highlighting its use for consumers following IBS dietary recommendations.
Microbiome data science’s key role in next-generation food products
December 15th 2020Advances in microbiome-based data science and technology—including AI-based analytics and the mainstream accessibility of powerful computer processing—will play a key role as next-generation food producers look to accelerate our understanding of nutrition and health.
New survey finds that adults with digestive discomfort rarely seek medical care
November 20th 2020A new national survey commissioned by AbbVie found 72% of U.S. adults experience at least one gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms a few times a month or more. However, more than half (56%) of them have not told their doctor because they don’t think their GI symptoms require physician attention.
GanedenBC30 approved for health claim in Brazil
November 17th 2020GanedenBC30, a spore-forming probiotic ingredient by Kerry, was approved by Brazilian regulatory agency, ANVISA, for the following health claim: “Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086 can contribute to the health of the gastrointestinal tract.”
Cerebiome increased BDNF serum levels in recent study, potentially supporting mental health
October 23rd 2020A recent post-hoc analysis of a randomized clinical trial found that a probiotic formulation called Cerebiome increased brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) serum levels in subjects.
Probiotic usage increased following pandemic, says recent consumer survey
October 23rd 2020DuPont Nutrition and Biosciences, in collaboration with the Natural Marketing Institute recently surveyed U.S., Italian, and Chinese consumers to determine how attitudes have changed about probiotics since the COVID-19 outbreak.
Gnosis by Lesaffre harnesses biotransformation to target wide range of product categories
October 22nd 2020Gnosis by Lesaffre has unveiled a new business strategy which is the continued focus on microorganisms and biotransformation processes such as fermentation to cultivate nutritional actives, probiotics, and yeasts that will target five key market segments.