Napolean encouraged the European cultivation of sugar beets as a way to combat a British blockage on imported sugar from the West Indies. Click to read more!
Photo © rozov/EyeEm
Napolean encouraged the European cultivation of sugar beets as a way to combat a British blockage on imported sugar from the West Indies. The process of extracting sugar from beets was devised by the German chemist Andreas Marggraf in 1747. The first beet sugar factory opened in Silesia (modern day Poland) in 1802. In 1811, during the blockade, Napolean’s influence helped establish 40 beet sugar factories in France.
Yamane, T. Sugar Beet. Britannica. May 16, 2024. (Accessed 2024-07-12).
Hard to compete with horseradish
January 10th 2025Fun fact! Horseradish can be difficult to eradicate once it’s established. This is because the smallest piece of root can grow a new plant. Additionally, the plant spreads by underground shoots that out-compete most other plants which means horseradish can become invasive if not maintained.