Patented probiotic formula for women’s health, SynbÆctive Femme, receives functional claim authorization by Health Canada


A recent press release disclosed that Health Canada approved a functional claim authorization for SynbÆctive Femme, a patented probiotic formula used in women’s health.

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According to a recent press release (1), Health Canada recognized a functional claim authorization for SynbÆctive Femme (Femme), which is a “patented probiotic combination featuring L. plantarum PBS068, L. rhamnosus LRH020, and B. lactis BL050, specifically focused on women’s urogenital health.”

The press release discusses the importance of urogenital health and how it can aid in the prevention of infections for example, bacterial vaginosis. It is estimated that about 30% of women experience this condition (1). By focusing on urogenital health, these measures can help lower the risk of various chronic conditions, benefit long-term health, and aid in overall wellbeing (1).

The Femme formulation has undergone three clinical studies that highlighted it’s women’s health benefits. Mentioned in the first study, the research showed that the strains in Femme had succeeded in colonization, migrated from the intestinal tract, and prevailed in the vaginal environment (1). An additional study disclosed how Femme’s probiotic formulation lowered the risk of occurrence for bacterial vaginosis, as well as encouraged “healthy vaginal microbiota” (1). More research showed that after 28 days (1), menopausal women experienced robust anti-inflammatory properties, improved vaginal health, and a rise in lactobacilli.

As mentioned in the press release (1) Femme strains were authorized for the following urogenital claims:

  • Helps support feminine and digestive health
  • Helps naturally maintain/support feminine health
  • Clinically shown to help support vaginal health
  • Helps maintain healthy vaginal flora

“We are thrilled that an institution as rigorous as Health Canada has recognized the quality and scientific value of Femme,” Cristiana Piangiolino, Managing Director of SynBalance SRL commented (1). “This achievement reflects our dedication to developing innovative, science-backed probiotic ingredients. We also want to extend our gratitude to our Canadian partner Prebionature for their invaluable support throughout this journey. We are looking forward to seeing the first Canadian-licensed formulations in market in early 2025.”


  1. Health Canada authorizes functional claim for SynbÆctive® Femme, a patented probiotic formula for women’s health (accessed Sep 27, 2024).
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