Sweet Green Fields Secures Patent for Reb D Stevia Combinations


The additional patent protection covers specific ratios of Reb D blends with all sweeteners, not just steviol glycosides.

Photo © iStockphoto.com/Dirk Richter

Photo © iStockphoto.com/Dirk Richter

Stevia supplier Sweet Green Fields Company, Ltd., (SGF; Bellingham, WA) says it has secured a U.S. patent to blend steviol glycoside Reb D at specific ratios with all types of sweeteners, including sweeteners not derived from stevia.

In particular, the additional patent protection covers the company’s alternative sugar sweeteners that are optimized with specific ratios of Reb D, including SGF Dual, SGF Omega, and additional products currently in development.

“Our growing Reb D patent portfolio highlights the strength of our R&D team as the leading innovator of premium stevia sweeteners,” says Dean Francis, CEO, Sweet Green Fields. “Licensing this and other patents will continue to benefits companies looking for natural origin and healthful alternative sugar sweeteners, helping the industry to deliver extraordinary-tasting products.”

SGF Dual and SGF Omega were launched in 2012 and 2013, respectively, and both feature optimized combinations of steviol glycosides, including Reb D. SGF recommends SGF Dual for sweetening juice and juice-based drinks, while SGF Omega may be best for liquid concentrates. According to Francis, SGF Omega offers “a quick onset of sweetness, less lingering, and almost no bitterness at a concentration on par with 8.5 sugar equivalence.”

SGF says Reb D has allowed it to develop sweeteners with a 10% sugar equivalence that have a better taste than other steviol glycosides.

“Since Reb D has improved taste compared with Reb A, it commonly delivers a cleaner taste when combined with other sweeteners and non-sweeteners,” says Francis. “We are currently using Reb D to remove the bitterness/after-taste found in other steviol glycosides.”

The new patent was issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). SGF says it now has patent rights in the United States, Canada, Mexico, China, New Zealand, Australia, and 32 European countries.


Read more:

Cargill’s Reb M Reb D Fermented Stevia Will Be Commercial in 2016, SupplySide West Report

PureCircle's Reb M Stevia Getting Beverage-Use Patent


Michael Crane
Associate Editor
Nutritional Outlook Magazine

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