NeoCell was recognized for its switch to 100% postconsumer-recycled (PCR) plastic bottles throughout its line.
Dietary supplements brand NeoCell has received a 2012 award for eco-friendly packaging from the Responsible Packaging Project. The project is described as a nonprofit collaboration of the Sustainable Food Trade Association, the Independent Natural Foods Retailers Association, the National Cooperative Grocers Association, the Organic Trade Association, United Natural Foods Inc., and Whole Foods Markets Green Mission.
NeoCell was recognized for its switch to 100% postconsumer-recycled (PCR) plastic bottles throughout its line. According to the company, PCR packaging generates fewer greenhouse gases, reduces reliance on petrochemicals, and keeps plastic out of landfills and oceans, compared to virgin packaging.
The company says that its switch to 100% PCR will affect more than one million products each year. The company estimates that for every million bottles it goes through, the switch to 100% PCR will result in:
· An annual energy savings of more than 450,000 kilowatt hours
· A reduction of more than 45,000 kg of CO2 emissions, the equivalent of more than 5,000 gal of gasoline
· Electrical savings equal to the average amount of electricity used by 44 homes in one year
· More than 900,000 bottles that will be recycled instead of ending up in landfills.