The GC Rieber Foundation's increased ownership of GC Rieber Group means greater support for philanthropic initiatives


The GC Rieber Foundations, a philanthropic and charitable organization, has increased its ownership in the GC Rieber Group to nearly 50%, meaning that almost 50% of the group's annual earnings goes back to society through social, cultural and scientific contributions.

A group of elderly men resting in the forest during a hike

Helgetun program. Image courtesy of GC Rieber.

The GC Rieber Foundations, a philanthropic and charitable organization, has increased its ownership in the GC Rieber Group to nearly 50%, meaning that almost 50% of the group's annual earnings goes back to society through social, cultural, and scientific contributions. The group includes omega-3 supplier GC RieberVivoMega (Norway).

"Our vision today, as it has been for over 140 years, is driven by the desire for economic, human, and social development. The GC Rieber Foundations support people of all ages who require additional attention," Paul-Christian Rieber, GC Rieber CEO, said in a press release. "From 2022 on, it is fair to say that nearly every second dollar earned by GC Rieber will be distributed to the social projects supported by GC Rieber Foundations."

The program supports:

  • The Children's Physiotherapy Center: This renowned center specializes in child and adolescent physiotherapy, manual therapy, psychomotor physiotherapy, and clinical neurological physiotherapy.
  • Healthier with Fish Oil: GC Rieber VivoMega, in coopearation with HaukerlandUniversit Hospital, is researching whether high doses of omega-3s can reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Helgeseter: Established by the Rieber family in 1954, was one of the first programs to serve as a home and school that provided a developmental environment for children with special needs.
  • Helgetun: A unique housing project for seniors to help them stay mentally and physically healthier, have lower medication use, and remain home longer than average. This is the largest investment project of The GC Rieber Foundations.
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