The Safe Quality Food certification “will allow the company to expand its nutraceutical, food, and beverage business,” the firm says.
Overnight Labels (Deer Park, NY), a label and packaging supplier, has gained Safe Quality Food (SQF) certification for its Farmingdale, NY, facility, which focuses on digital printing as well as conventional and sustainable flexible packaging. The company’s press release says that this certification “will allow the company to expand its nutraceutical, food, and beverage business.”
SQF certification signifies that a company’s “quality standards are designed to meet industry, customer, and regulatory requirements for all sectors of the food supply chain, including packaging,” the company’s press release states. General Manager Tom Spina added, “This new accreditation, combined with our Platinum-level GMI [Graphic Measures International] certification, demonstrates the company’s commitment to the craft of label and package printing and adherence to the strict protocols required by certain industries.”