The ingredient is produced using proprietary technology called ABG Cool-Tech, which optimizes the ingredient’s key constituents.
Photo from Pharmactive Biotech Products
Pharmactive Biotech Products (Madrid) is now offering a higher concentration of its ABG+ aged black garlic extract called ABG25+. The ingredient is produced using proprietary technology called ABG Cool-Tech, which optimizes the ingredient’s key constituents.
ABG+ aged black garlic extract starts with fresh garlic bulbs (Allium sativum L.) that are aged by promoting Maillard reaction. The aged black garlic contains powerful antioxidants, including polyphenols, flavonoids, and melanoidins, which have been shown to benefit cardiovascular and immune health. One of its key constituents is S-allyl-cysteine (SAC), which is thought to be cardioprotective.
The new, potent ABG25+ extract is standardized to 0.25% SAC and is geared to the heart health dietary supplement market. (The company’s other ingredient, the organic-certified ABG10+, by contrast, contains 0.1% SAC.) With ABG25+, consumers can take a lower recommended daily dose—100 mg of ABG25+ compared to 250 mg of ABG10+. The lower dose makes smaller capsule sizes possible.
This higher potency was achieved thanks to the company’s ABG Cool-Tech extraction and purification technology, which is now added to the company’s proprietary extraction process for aged garlic. ABG Cool-Tech relies on water extraction that the company says optimizes and preserves 100% of garlic’s native SAC and other bioactive compounds. In addition, whereas some aged black garlic producers use high temperature processes or burning methods in place of the traditional but more costly aging process—which can then produce oxidizing substances such as acrylamides and furfurals—Pharmactive does not and uses no harmful solvents, synthetics, or additives. The company says its aging and extraction process generates very low waste and reduces environmental impact and energy consumption.
The company says more peer-reviewed studies are being published on black garlic as the ingredient gains attention among scientists. ABG+ ingredients are water soluble and can be used in gummies, capsules, softgels, syrups, and powders, and offer a neutral flavor in functional foods.