The series includes OvenPro Bread & Bread Zero Net Carb, OvenPro Cake, and OvenPro QuickBread.
Glanbia Nutritionals (Chicago) introduced its OvenPro Series that provides a range of ingredients for use in baked goods, so they can contain higher levels of protein and fiber with low levels of sugar and net carbs. The series includes OvenPro Bread & Bread Zero Net Carb, OvenPro Cake, and OvenPro QuickBread.
“With commonly used wheat protein lacking as a complete nutritional protein source, and the well-known challenges associated with adding protein to baked goods at higher levels, we are excited to provide our customers a superior ingredient solution that solves these issues,” said Steve Ham, senior director commercial bakery, Glanbia Nutritionals, in a press release.
The OvenPro series offers the following benefits: