January 10th 2025
The prebiotic, made from upcycled carrot pomace, promoted production of the compound indole-3-propionic acid (IPA).
AHCC Symposium Highlights Research Findings
September 29th 2008More than 300 doctors and researchers discussed the latest research findigns concerning active hexose correlated compound (AHCC) at the 16th International AHCC Symposium, held July 26–27 in Sapporo, Japan. AHCC is an immune-enhancing supplement derived from the hybridization of several species of mushrooms cultivated in Japan. Amino Up Chemical Co. (Sapporo, Japan) manufactures the supplement, which is distributed by Maypro Industries Inc. (Purchase, NY) in the United States.
Recent and Future Innovations in Protein
June 9th 2006Let’s focus on milk and soy. To say which of these two protein sources is more significant would be to detract from their uniqueness. Milk, after all, is animal based, and soy is vegetable. Milk protein accelerates physical recovery from numerous ailments, and soy protein mitigates heart disease.
Immune Enhancers: Nothing to Sneeze At
June 8th 2006A new federal law that regulates the sales of cold and allergy products could help bring immunity supplements in from the cold. On April 8, 2006, the Combat Meth Act went into effect. The act, which places nonprescription drugs that contain ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine behind the counter, also sets limits on how much consumers can purchase during any 30-day period. A flurry of state laws under consideration could impose further restrictions. The changes might help boost demand for dietary supplements that activate the immune system.
A Bright Future for Probiotics
April 4th 2006More-rigorous scientific investigation today is bringing enhanced understanding of the mechanisms of these actions, which in turn will lead the way to more-precise clinical targets, higher-quality microbial preparations, and more-credible claims for probiotics.