With a planned investment of $30 million, the 430,556 square foot Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) manufacturing unit will have a production capacity of 300 tons per year.
Photo © Adobestock.com/j-mel
Sami-Sabinsa Group (Bengaluru, India), parent company of Sabinsa Corp., broke ground on a new Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) manufacturing unit at Pharma SEZ Industrial Area, Hassan, Karnataka. With a planned investment of $30 million, the new facility is part of the company’s strategy to expand existing ingredient growth and focus on innovative new products.
“We have been doing business in India for nearly three decades now, and our business has grown rapidly over the years,” said Muhammed Majeed, PhD, founder and chairman of Sami-Sabinsa Group, in a press release. “The upcoming production facility at Hassan will not only empower us to cater to the entire global market with patented and off-patent API products but will also play a vital role in boosting the export sales of the Sami-Sabinsa Group and help in doubling the company revenue.”
The first phase covering 430,556 square feet of the API manufacturing unit will have a production capacity of more than 300 tons per year. It will be an environmentally conscious, Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) facility that combines user comfort, energy efficiency, responsible water management, and biodiversity development. The facility, which will be 100% compliant with cGMP and other regulatory requirements, is scheduled for commissioning by 2021 and is expected to generate employment for approximately 400 people in and around Hassan.