At July’s Institute of Food Technologists’ Annual Meeting and Food Expo, Bioenergy Life Science introduced new functional-food concepts featuring ribose: Ribo Morning Toaster Fruit Tarts, Ribo Charger Creamer, and Gabe’s Ribo Energy Gel Shots. The company says these product concepts demonstrate how its Bioenergy Ribose ingredient can be added to consumer packaged goods to enhance their health benefits, such as offering increased energy. Bioenergy Ribose stimulates the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate, the essential energy compound found in every cell in the body, which is critical for maintaining energy-related functions. The company says that ribose also provides cardiac energy to maintain normal heart function and increase tolerance to cardiac stress.
Bioenergy Ribose has GRAS status. Bioenergy Life Science Inc. (Minneapolis, MN), 763/757-0032,