Manufacturers can now formulate UTI dietary supplements with an organic form of Pacran cranberry powder.
U.S. and Canadian manufacturers can now formulate urinary health products with PACran Organic, a certified organic cranberry powder from Naturex-DBS (Sagamore, MA).
PACran is a patented product from whole cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon). The ingredient is backed by numerous clinical trials and a South Korean health claim supporting its potential to alleviate urinary tract infections (UTIs). While some cranberry suppliers attribute cranberry’s UTI support to proanthocyanidin (PAC)-a cranberry compound which appears to reduce the amount of bacteria that attaches to the bladder-Naturex believes its whole cranberry ingredient is efficacious because of more than just high levels of PACs. Work is ongoing to prove this whole-fruit benefit.
Naturex secured rights to supply the ingredient after acquiring PACran developer Decas Botanical Synergies (Carver, MA) in late 2012.