The company was recognized for its condition-specific range of concentrated EPA and DHA omega-3 ingredients.
Frost & Sullivan’s Product Differentiation Excellence Award is honoring omega-3 ingredient specialist Epax (Oslo, Norway) for the supplier’s condition-specific range of concentrated EPA and DHA omega-3 ingredients.
“Product differentiation is one of the prime factors that define success in the omega-3 market,” says Frost & Sullivan research analyst Ashwin Raj Ravinder. Ravinder says that Epax’s portfolio “tackles condition-specific health concerns unlike other participants in the omega-3 category.”
Additionally, Ravinder says that Epax’s strict standards for selecting its raw material and producing high-purity products set the company apart. The company’s products are backed by multiple clinical studies and European Food Safety Authority approved health claims.
Epax, which is a 50/50 joint venture between Aker BioMarine ASA (Oslo, Norway) and Lindsay Goldberg LLC, received Frost & Sullivan’s Excellence in Product Quality award in 2008.