The Flavor Extracts Manufacturers Association has issued GRAS approval for Vitosa natural flavors, a line of stevia products manufactured by HB Natural Ingredients, a subsidiary of BGG World.
Photo © olm26250
The Flavor Extracts Manufacturers Association (FEMA) has issued GRAS (generally recognized as safe) approval for Vitosa natural flavors, a line of stevia products manufactured by HB Natural Ingredients (Irvine, CA), a subsidiary of BGG World. Fully soluble, stable in high temperature and high pH, with a long shelf life, Vitosa natural flavors are designed for flavor modification in a wide range of product applications, including carbonated soft drinks, juices, energy and sports drinks, flavored water, dairy products, cookies and candies.
According to the firm, Vitosa natural flavors are synergistic with a range of natural sugars and high intensity sweeteners, and improves the overall sensory performance of natural and artificial high intensity sweeteners by providing full-bodies mouthfeel, as well as improved flavor and aroma. The Vitosa line has three distinct products: Active, Delight, and Match.
"Our range of Vitosa natural flavors give flavorists dynamic new capabilities to optimize the flavor and taste profile of their formulations while providing cost savings compared to existing options," explained Varuzhan Abelyan, PhD, co-chairman and chief of science and technology for the firm, in a press release. "With Vitosa, it's now possible to develop a much broader range of great tasting natural flavor systems and reduced and sugar-free product development solutions that deliver great taste while also reducing calories."
Classified as “flavoring with modifying properties,” Vitosa natural flavors allow manufacturers to use “natural flavor” on finished product labels.