Company Says It's Made the World’s First Vitamin B12 Vaporizer


The vaporizers are disposable, with each vaporizer containing enough vitamin B12 for 14 servings VitaminVape says.

Photo from VitaminVape Inc.

A company called VitaminVape says it's created the world’s first disposable vaporizer for vitamin B12. The idea behind the product is to deliver the benefits of vitamin B12, which science shows supports the health of cells and which many dietary supplement makers market as providing energy support, with the convenience of an on-the-go vaporizer.

Each vaporizer contains enough vitamin B12 for 14 servings. “Studies have shown the body only needs a small amount of vitamin B12 every day, which equals to 10–20 puffs daily with VitaminVape. As comparison, vitamin C would require thousands of puffs to get its recommended daily intake (RDI),” the company says.

Each vaporizer comprises an internal atomizer, cartridge, and battery, and a LED light indicates when a vaporizer’s B12 stores are depleted. Users are instructed to remove a silicon tip from the mouthpiece and then inhale. Additionally, the company points out, the temperature of the vaporizer does not harm the vitamin.

“It works by vaporizing a B12 serum made of the simplest, purest ingredients. There is a coil that heats the serum to cause it to vaporize, but well below the temperature threshold that damages the B12,” says George Michalopoulos, CEO and founder of VitaminVape Inc.

On its website, the company cites some early studies showing that inhalation may increase vitamin B12 absorption. “Vitamin B12 inhalation was studied as early as 60 years ago and found to be an effective and very efficient absorption mechanism for treatment of things like pernicious anemia,” says Michalopoulos, emphasizing that the company does not claim its product treats any type of disease. “Those studies found that vitamin B12 inhalation was non-toxic, caused no damage to the lungs, and was on the order of 2500 times more efficient in terms of absorption than pills,” Michalopoulos adds.

The company primarily sells VitaminVape online for the time being. “Our plan is to expand our distribution throughout major markets at major vitamin retailers,” Michalopoulos says. “So far, customer response has been extremely positive. Customers who have learned about our product and tried it have noticed an increase in their energy levels almost instantaneously.” 


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Jennifer Grebow
Nutritional Outlook magazine

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