AOAC International and the Global Retailer and Manufacturer Alliance has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that establishes a strategic partnership for the advancement of their shared goals of consumer product safety standards.
AOAC International (Rockville, MD) and the Global Retailer and Manufacturer Alliance (GRMA; King of Prussia, PA) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that establishes a strategic partnership for the advancement of their shared goals of consumer product safety standards. Signed in December of 2021, the MOU outlines how the two organizations will work together to develop and promote quality initiatives within select health and wellness categories, with an initial focus on botanicals, dietary supplements, colors, and cosmetics.
“We are very excited to work with GRMA and its many global members who engage with millions of consumers around the world,” said David B. Schmidt, AOAC executive director, in a press release. “AOAC’s standards and methods will provide a substantial foundation to ensuring these consumers receive the safest products with the components they expect.”
AOAC and GRMA will work together on task forces, committees, and working groups, including AOAC’s new Botanical and Dietary Supplement Product Integrity Program, and GRMA’s recently formed Dietary Supplement Integrity Committee.
“We are excited by the opportunity to collaborate with AOAC International across a number of initiatives. They have a well-established and technical approach that provides solutions to some areas of concern for our stakeholders,” said Allyn Shultis, GRMA executive director. “In the initial thought leader discussion, we had near-record level participation and valued input from manufacturers, retailers, certifying bodies, and other key industry stakeholders. From that meeting, we see several ways to provide significant value to our members, the industry, and consumers. Through our shared appreciation of the consensus standard process, our next meeting will focus on prioritizing the opportunities and initiatives identified by industry stakeholders within this collaborative framework.”