The company’s zero-calorie stevia sweeteners have cut a total 1.8 trillion calories from global diets since 2006.
The amount of stevia that PureCircle (Chicago) supplied last year resulted in 500 billion fewer calories consumed by global consumers. These stats come from PureCircle’s own Calorie Footprint report.
The company’s zero-calorie stevia sweeteners have cut a total 1.8 trillion calories from global diets since 2006, when the firm first started keeping track. By 2015, the company aims to supply enough stevia to enable a 4-trillion total global calorie cut from food and beverages, and by 2020, a total 13-trillion cut.
But those numbers could be even higher. If maximized, PureCircle says its stevia capacity could enable consumers to reduce up to 2 trillion calories annually.
PureCircle calculates its “calorie footprint” by estimating the number of calories that can be reduced in a product by replacing higher-calorie sweeteners with stevia. “Stevia sweeteners are metabolized by the human body in a way that has almost no caloric impact…” the firm says.
The opportunity is certainly there. PureCircle reports an impressive 1,611 global new product launches of stevia-containing food and beverages in 2013, according to Mintel-a 48% increase from 2012. In fact, nearly 3,300 products launched in the past three years alone. “We see strong demand continuing with deeper calorie reductions in the future,” said Jason Hecker, vice president, global marketing, in a press release.