Novel Methylcellulose May Curb Appetite


Dow Wolff Cellulosics says its unique methylcellulose lingers in the stomach.

A European manufacturer of methylcellulose contends that its novel version of methylcellulose may promote satiety. Dow Wolff Cellulosics (Bomlitz, Germany) presented its research at a recent meeting of the American Chemical Society.

A chemical derivative of cellulose, methylcellulose is an approved food additive in the EU and the United States, where it’s used as a thickener, emulsifier, and stabilizer for foods. The ingredient is also used as a laxative. It will dissolve in cold water and form into a thick gel upon heating.

But while traditional methylcellulose ingredients pass through the stomach quickly, Dow Wolff Cellulosics says its unique version lingers before entering the small intestine.

The company put its SATISFIT-LTG ingredient to the test in a human clinical trial. When test subjects consumed SATISFIT-LTG or a non-gelling equivalent, those who consumed SATISFIT-LTG consumed 13% fewer calories in their following meal.

In the United Kingdom, Dow Wolff Cellulosics has now filed a novel foods application for its methylcellulose. The ingredient is intended for use in yogurts, smoothies, shakes, and similar products.

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