Several varieties of the product include high fructose corn syrup, high maltose corn syrup, and maltodextrin.
Two California women have filed for a class-action lawsuit against General Mills, citing the use of processed ingredients in its “100% Natural” Nature Valley granola bars. Several varieties of the product include high fructose corn syrup, high maltose corn syrup, and maltodextrin.
“High maltose corn syrup and maltodextrin are highly processed, do not exist in nature, and not even under the most elastic possible definition could they be considered 'natural,'” said Michael F. Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), one of the groups to represent consumers in the impending lawsuit.
Nature Valley’s website, commercials, and social networking sites have all used the questionable claims.
CSPI states that, in July 2010, General Mills assured CSPI that it would eliminate high-fructose corn syrup from the Nature Valley product line. “While few, if any, Nature Valley products still contain high-fructose corn syrup, many still do contain high-maltose corn syrup and maltodextrin,” said CSPI.