The ingredient meets the increasing need for natural preservatives for natural topical products.
Natural cosmetic preservative ingredient SabiLize New has gained a U.S. patent (#8,329,095) as an antioxidant/antimicrobial preservative for pre-pasteurized cosmetic formulations. The ingredient meets the increasing need for natural preservatives for natural topical products. It is a blend of ingredients such as cinnamon oil, clove oil, lemongrass oil, and thyme oil.
According to the ingredient’s supplier Sabinsa (East Windsor, NJ), SabiLize New, when used at 0.5% in creams, was found to be significantly effective against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, as well as Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger.
“In the increasingly popular category of natural cosmetics, staying true to nature and helping formulators develop a natural-based product has been challenging because of the need for preservatives,” says Sabinsa’s marketing director Shaheen Majeed. “SabiLize New has two of the most important characteristic properties of a preservative: improved antimicrobial activity as well as a strong antioxidant activity to reduce oxidative damages.”