Lonza Says Updated Monograph in Australia “Opens the Market” for Immune-Health Ingredient ResistAid


Lonza (Basel, Switzerland) says that an updated monograph in Australia means that larch arabinogalactan is now allowed for use in dietary supplements in Australia.

Lonza (Basel, Switzerland) says that an updated monograph in Australia means that larch arabinogalactan, such as the company’s ResistAid branded ingredient, is now allowed for use in dietary supplements in Australia.

The larch arabinogalactan monograph was approved by Australia’s Department of Health and Aging and Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Lonza says that current clinical evidence has demonstrated ResistAid’s ability to “selectively call upon both the non-specific, cellular response, as well as the adaptive immune response in healthy adults.”

The company adds, “Through clinical research, ResistAid has also been shown to provide an immunomodulatory effect, enhancing the appropriate response to an antigen, as opposed to indiscriminately enhancing other arms of the immune system that would not be expected to respond.”

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