Elder Pure Elderberry Prebiotic Juice Powder combines INS Farms' Elder Pure elderberry juice powder with Sunfiber partially hydrolyzed guar gum from Taiyo International.
Photo © stock.adobe.com/romankrykh
INS Farms (Purdy, MO), a grower, processor, and supplier of black elderberry will now be offering Elder Pure Elderberry Prebiotic Juice Powder, which combines the firm’s Elder Pure elderberry juice powder with Sunfiber partially hydrolyzed guar gum from Taiyo International (Minneapolis, MN). Available in conventional and organic, this is the first elderberry juice prebiotic powder that is 100% water soluble, according to Devon Bennet, INS Farms’ CEO.
“Sunfiber was selected because it is low FODMAP-certified, Non-GMO verified and has over 180 published studies. It is invisible, odorless and flavorless, so it is perfectly compatible to our Elder Pure juice,” explained Bennet in a press release. “Similar to [the] Fruit d’Or and Taiyo organic cranberry juice powder made with Sunfiber, called Sun Cran Naturelle, one tablespoon of organic Elder Pure juice powder contains 5 grams of Sunfiber.”
Elderberry Prebiotic Juice Powder is also free of maltodextrins, carriers, chemicals, and additives, making it ideal for clean-label beverage applications.