Fenchem is now offerings its hydrocolloid ingredients to U.S. customers.
With seven years of a U.S. presence under its belt, Fenchem Biotek Ltd. (Chino, CA) continues to extend its vast array of ingredient solutions to U.S. customers. The company announced at July’s IFT Food Expo that its range of hydrocolloid and gum systems is now available for local formulators.
One of Fenchem’s specialties in hydrocolloid systems is with FenGum CMC, a carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) that enhances mouthfeel and moisture retention in numerous foods and beverages. Where other hydrocolloid suppliers may offer limited grades of CMC that overlap product categories, Fenchem supplies its CMC in a range of viscosities tailored for different product applications. Other hydrocolloid and gum offerings from Fenchem include the Fen-Colloids family, a range of stabilizer systems with very specific applications, ranging from chocolate milks to higher-acid beverages to desserts.
The company has conducted research showing lower usage rates, better maintenance of product volume, and lower rates of syneresis with its systems compared to market alternatives.
In addition to expanding its business in the United States, Fenchem recently opened new offices in Cologne, Germany, and Johannesburg, South Africa.