Five Biggest Struggles with FDA’s New Nutrition Label: Updated Daily Values


Here are five of the biggest struggles companies are likely to encounter under FDA's new nutrition label proposal.

While it’s great news that nutrition labels will be based on updated Daily Values-which indicate to consumers what percentage a food's contents contribute to the daily recommended total for specific nutrients-this revamp may require companies to make drastic changes-in some cases, reformulate.

“Current formulations will not reflect the same level of adequacy as before,” Braithwaite states. “For example, manufacturers who currently fortify their products with 100% of the Daily Value of vitamin B12 will now have a Daily Value of 250% if they continue to fortify at the same level. Manufacturers of ready-to-eat breakfast cereals often fortify their products to the 100% level, and consumers may not view a higher percentage in a positive light, causing more incentive to reformulate.”


Next>> Changes in Portion Sizes, Health Claims


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