LycoRed showcases its new colors and fortification options for sports drinks.
At Fi Europe, LycoRed is introducing a new line of natural beta-carotene colorants and new application concepts for vitamin and mineral premixes desired for healthy and functional beverages.
The revolutionary vitamin and mineral premix applications are newly designed for use in beverages, including progressive concepts for energy and sports drinks. LycoRed has succeeded in formulating premix applications without typical vitamin off-flavors-especially for B vitamins-and inclusive of the company’s natural colorants.
The new beta-carotene colorant formulations are available in both natural and nature-identical sources, free of DCM (dichloromethane) and four times more color-intense than existing colorant formulations available. They can be used in clear beverages as well as in cloudy beverages, with a wide yellow to orange spectrum available.
Booth #91F21
Steve Mister on CRN's ongoing lawsuit against New York State
October 11th 2024Nutritional Outlook spoke to The Council for Responsible Nutrition's president and CEO, Steve Mister, at its annual meeting, Convergence '24. Mister discussed the latest in its ongoing lawsuit against NY State's law banning the sale of weight management and muscle building products to minors.