Award winners represent the industry’s best-selling products and are chosen by natural product retailers.
EuroPharma’s Curamin supplement for pain relief is the recipient of a 2011 Natural Choice Award from WholeFoods Magazine. Award winners represent the industry’s best-selling products and are chosen by natural product retailers.
Curamin is marketed as enhancing the body’s natural defenses, relieving pain due to exercise and overuse. It supports the body’s healthy inflammation response to deliver natural pain relief, without causing stomach irritation, side effects, or liver and kidney toxicity. The product contains an all-natural proprietary blend of ingredients, including the anti-inflammatory curcumin extract (BCM-95), which the company says is 10 times more powerful than curcumin alone; Boswella extract (BosPure); and DLPA.
Curamin was chosen in the best specialty supplement category. The awards will be presented at the Natural Products Expo East trade show in Baltimore in September.