Fun fact! Pulses which are dry edible seeds in the legume family such as chickpeas or lentils can improve soil fertility. This is because nitrogen-fixing bacteria in pulses transform nitrogen from the atmosphere into fixed nitrogen compounds such as ammonia which can be used by plants and imparted to the soil, reducing the need for fertilizer. When utilized in crop rotation, pulses help increase the soil microbial biomass and the fixed nitrogen will benefit subsequent crops.
Photo © Thomson
Pulses which are dry edible seeds in the legume family such as chickpeas or lentils can improve soil fertility. This is because nitrogen-fixing bacteria in pulses transform nitrogen from the atmosphere into fixed nitrogen compounds such as ammonia which can be used by plants and imparted to the soil, reducing the need for fertilizer. When utilized in crop rotation, pulses help increase the soil microbial biomass and the fixed nitrogen will benefit subsequent crops.
Hard to compete with horseradish
January 10th 2025Fun fact! Horseradish can be difficult to eradicate once it’s established. This is because the smallest piece of root can grow a new plant. Additionally, the plant spreads by underground shoots that out-compete most other plants which means horseradish can become invasive if not maintained.