Eggshell Membrane Is the Star of Nationwide Jamieson Launch


The supplement is undergoing a nationwide mass-market Walgreens rollout.

A new dietary supplement product, Advanced Joint Care from Jamieson Laboratories, stars the NEM eggshell ingredient brand. The supplement is undergoing a nationwide mass-market Walgreens rollout.

NEM comes from the membrane lining of eggshells and is a natural source of glycosaminoglycans, hyaluronic acid, collagen, protein, and other joint-supporting nutrients. NEM’s supplier, ESM Technologies (Carthage, MO), says NEM is the only eggshell membrane ingredient supported by multiple published clinical studies.

The supplier points out that NEM is increasing its market presence in both human and pet products. Jamieson Laboratories’ director of brand marketing, Jillian Mariani, adds that “NEM has several unique advantages from a consumer perspective-it is a once daily capsule, it can work in as little as 7–10 days, and there is solid science behind it. Additionally, it is sustainable sourced…”

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