Consumer Demand for Nutricosmetic Supplements


Companies are banking on the trend that demand for nutricosmetics will continue to grow.

By Paula Simpson, BASc (Nutrition), RNCP

Nutrition has an obvious impact on the appearance and health of one’s skin, hair, and nails. The skin is the largest organ in the body and serves, among a number of functions, as a secondary organ of elimination. Thus, what the body takes in and processes through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract may also be expressed in some metabolized form on or through the skin.

European and Japanese consumers of beauty and wellness products have embraced this notion of “beauty from within”-so much so that these demographics have accounted for the majority of nutricosmetics sales and growth in the past. North Americans have been slower to adopt this philosophy of achieving beauty through nutrition. Nevertheless, companies are beginning to invest research and development dollars, banking on the trend that demand for such products will continue to increase.

As the intersection between cosmeceuticals and nutraceuticals, nutricosmetics are a category of oral beauty supplements that help to bring about beauty, whether as antiaging or condition-specific agents, such as for hair and nails. These so-called functional foods, in the form of ingestible pills or liquids, are thought to have an effect, either reactive or preventive, on outward appearance. These products work along with topical beauty regimens and diet to support and/or enhance the health of the skin, hair and nails.

Major Drivers Expanding the Nutricosmetic Market

  • The inside-out approach to total beauty: With sophisticated and credible ingredients in the market today, nutricosmetics are proving there are fortified options through functional foods and supplements to promote healthier skin, hair, and nails. Consumers are becoming more educated about the overall health benefits of balanced nutrition and are today more interested in protecting themselves from accelerated aging through more natural and noninvasive protocols.

  • Aging Population: As we live longer, consumers are looking to “age well” in overall health, energy, and beauty. Globally, the mature consumer is seeking products to help stay healthy, while making themselves look and feel their best. Antioxidants and other premium ingredients in nutricosmetics support this consumer demand.

  • Natural Health and Organic Beauty Trends: Consumers are becoming more interested in natural alternatives to skin health and beauty. This coincides with eco-friendly and organic beauty brands. Nutricosmetic ingredients are usually naturally sourced, making them appealing to this type of consumer.

Paula Simpson is the cofounder and one of the formulators behind the GliSODin Skin Nutrients Nutricosmetic Line. She is also a contributing editor to many of the leading medical aesthetic and beauty publications in North America. Visit for more information.

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