Samples were provided at a symposium for pro baseball strength and conditioning coaches.
Wellmune WGP samples made their way to the Professional Baseball Strength & Conditioning Coaches Society (PBSCCS) Show & Symposium held earlier this month.
Wellmune WGP is a branded yeast beta-glucan ingredient from Biothera Inc. (Eagan, MN). While Biothera is marketing its ingredient to the general population, the company is definitely focused on groups at high risk for weakened immune systems, such as athletes, whose harsh workouts can provide an open window for sickness. Accordingly, a lot of Biothera’s clinical research has focused on athletes.
“Clinical research with marathoners, cyclists and others enduring high physical stress demonstrated how Wellmune WGP can strengthen immune defenses before, during and after exercise,” says Biothera CEO Richard Mueller. “We believe Wellmune would benefit pro baseball players whose long seasons and extensive travel constantly stress their bodies and immune systems.”
One double-blind study on 182 marathon runners found a 40% reduction in upper respiratory tract infection symptoms with Wellmune WGP supplementation.