Asian Yogurt: The New Greek Alternative


Tarté debuts protein-rich Asian-style yogurt that boasts twice the calcium of Greek yogurt.

Thick, Greek-style yogurt has been in high demand among health-conscious consumers and now a new style of yogurt is hoping to cash in on the trend: Asian Yogurt. In comparison to tangy Greek yogurt, Tarté Asian Yogurt has a lightly sweet flavor because its natural milk sugars are caramelized during a slow cooking process. The yogurt’s beneficial nutrients are also preserved because the product is not strained.

Though new to American consumers, Asian yogurt has deep roots in the French-influenced Indochina colonial period. Tarté’s take on Asian yogurt originated in the Santa Monica, CA, kitchen of brothers and company founders, Winston and Harry Lee. Their product was further developed in the Dairy Products Technology Center at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, and resulted in a yogurt made with California-origin, certified hormone-free milk that packs a billion probiotic cultures into each six-ounce cup.

With 13-14 grams of protein and twice the calcium of Greek yogurt, stevia-sweetened Tarté Asian yogurt contains 25% less sugar than most Greek brand yogurts and 115-120 calories per serving. It is available in six flavors: Original, Green Tea & Honey, Mango & Coconut, Blueberry & Acai, and Strawberry & Guanabana. It retails for $1.79 per cup.

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